About the project
S***, Bochum, Alemania Dredger pumps for the recycling plant

In three different pump sizes (NPK 80, NPK 125 and KBK 200), they convey comminuted, hot meat-bone-fat mixtures. In the process, the water content is reduced with the help of evaporation. The end product: protein meals and fats from animal by-products of the so-called category 3.

Compared to other pumps, a general overhaul was necessary this year after 30 years of operation.  After the pumps had been in operation almost continuously for all these years, the KBK pump housing had to be replaced. The corresponding pump housing was already in stock as a spare part (more than 20 years).

Technical details & challenges The temperatures of the pumped media are above 110°C, maximum 120°C; the density is 0.7-0.8 mg/cm3. The fat content is very high at about 80%. The 20% solids are mainly composed of bone and bone meal. The percentage shifts depending on the conveying stage due to the water content there.
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Product evaluation after 30 years of use The wear resistance and the large delivery volume of the pumps are at a high level. In addition, due to the perishable nature of the products, the downtimes are very low due to the operating times of six and a half days per week in continuous operation. According to the company, the longevity and the relatively maintenance-free operation as well as the associated high availability also justify the high acquisition costs.
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Spare parts After 30 years of operation with comparatively low maintenance work, however, a general overhaul was also necessary for the KBK pump. After the pump had been in use almost continuously over all these years, the pump housing had to be replaced. The corresponding pump housing had already been in storage as a spare part (for more than 20 years). The impeller and the mechanical seal were then overhauled and are now waiting in the spare parts store to be used again.
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trabajadores cualificados empleados en Habermann Aurum  

12 lenguas

que habla nuestra empresa para servir a todos los continentes

45 años

vida útil media de las bombas de lodo Habermann

67 años

es la bomba más antigua de la fábrica


donde nuestras bombas se utilizan a diariamente

desde 1927

como fabricante líder de bombas centrífugas en Alemania  

Gefällt Ihnen das Projekt Wir sind für Sie da und beraten Sie in allen Fragen der Pumpentechnik. Nach einer Analyse Ihrer Anwendungseigenschaften entwickeln wir für Sie eine passende Lösung. Sprechen Sie uns an!
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0 info@aurumpumpen.de
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0 info@aurumpumpen.de
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¿Por qué bombas Habermann Aurum?

Habermann Aurum Pumpen es uno de los fabricantes líderes de bombas giratorias para el transporte de líquidos cargados de sólidos. Con casi 100 años de experiencia y la experiencia de más de 30. 000 bombas utilizadas en todo el mundo en una amplia gama de sectores industriales, nos hemos convertido en parte del sistema económico global. Nuestra cartera de productos incluye las áreas de bombas y válvulas. Gracias a la ingeniería interna, también somos capaces de resolver tareas técnicamente exigentes y complejas. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es desarrollar las bombas industriales más duraderas y sostenibles combinando décadas de experiencia con la tecnología más avanzada. Nuestras bombas se utilizan en la minería y la minería, la extracción de materias primas y energía, la siderurgia, la química, la industria de pigmentos, la perforación de túneles y la construcción especializada.